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Huancavelica is the seat of two great ancestral cultures: Wari and Chanca. Huancavelica is characterized by its biodiversity, where we can find healthy hot springs, fertile lands, lagoons and snowy peaks.

In its past, it was the military center of the Incas and after the conquest, a city for the exploitation of silver and mercury. Also, in Huancavelica you can see archeological sites, temples and large houses in the urban area.

Take a look at Huancavelica

Main Square

It has a pool of 1862 in granite stone and is surrounded by the Cathedral, colonial mansions and the Municipality.

Bridge of the Ascension

It is located on the Ichu river. Built with lime and stone mortar (17th century).


Visit the colonial churches, which are characterized by their mestizo architecture and altars lined with silver. Among them are: The Cathedral, Santa Ana, San Francisco, Santo Domingo and San Sebastian.

Thermal springs of San Cristóbal

10 minutes from the Main Square. Thermal baths and recreational services.


4 km from Huancavelica. Picturesque village that still conserves its colonial infrastructure. Its famous bridge and the cemetery are interesting attractions.

Stone Forest

The stone forests of Sachapite, Huayanay and Paucará are stone formations found near Huancavelica. Preferably go with a guide.


Prepared between the months of January to March with fresh vegetables, alpaca meats, mutton, fresh vegetables such as chickpeas, beans and fruits.


Typical dish prepared with various meats and peeled wheat, cooked throughout the night.

Data you should know if you travel

  • Weather

    It has a dry and temperate climate, with a temperature of 22ºC. The rainy season is between December and March.

  • Best season

    The dry season of this region is between April and November, but even so there may be rain.

  • How to get?

    Land route, Panamericana-South Highway Lima-Pisco-Huancavelica route 499 km or route Lima-Huancayo-Huancavelica 444 km. There are no commercial air flights.