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The region of Cajamarca has impressive historical and landscape sites, such as the Baños del Inca, the Ventanillas de Otuzco, Cumbemayo, the Sangal Canyon, among others, located in the north of the Peruvian highlands.

Cajamarca architecture is colonial, its streets show beautiful houses and mansions. On the other hand, it stands out for its cattle and, therefore, for its dairy production. A date very popular for tourists is between February and March, due to the Cajamarca’s Carnival.

Take a look at Cajamarca

Cajamarca's Carnival

Its famous carnival is a movable festival that is celebrated between February and March. The competitions of 'patrols' and comparsas and the famous unshas (dancing around a tree adorned with gifts and fruits) are some of the colorful activities that take place during the holidays.

The rescue room

Atahualpa remained a prisoner there. The Inca offered his captors to fill the room with gold and silver in exchange for their freedom. Francisco de Jerez, Pizarro's scribe and witness to the capture of the Inca, relates that the room was' a room that is 22 feet long and 17 feet wide 'and that it was' filled with various pieces of gold until a white stripe that is in the middle of the top of the room, and silver twice that amount'.

Hill Santa Apolonia

Viewpoint overlooking the valley and the city of Cajamarca. In its boundaries there are some vestiges of pre-Hispanic constructions, such as the so-called 'Silla del Inca' formed by a block of stone that leaves its own hill and that was carefully carved to give it its current form.

Baños del Inca

Springs of thermal waters with temperatures that exceed 70ºC. Public pool and private pool rentals. In the place called 'Los Perolitos' you can see the water that emanates from the subsoil.

Windows of Otuzco

Pre-Inca necropolis formed by hundreds of square and rectangular niches dug into the side of a volcanic hill.


Archaeological site of probable Chavín origin, located in the foothills of Cumbe hill; It includes niches, petroglyphs, stairs and a remarkable aqueduct, a sample of high hydraulic engineering of the formative period.

Conserva de higos

Figs boiled in chancaca.

Manjar blanco

Dessert of milk, sugar, cinnamon and chuño. The dairy products of the area, such as cheese, butter and manjarblanco are of recognized quality.

Data you should know if you travel

  • Weather

    Temperate, dry and sunny during the day, and cold at night. Maximum temperature of 22ºC and minimum of 4ºC.

  • Best season

    Dry and sunny from April to October. Variable and rainy from November to March.

  • How to get?

    Land route, Panamericana Norte route Lima-Trujillo-Cajamarca (865 km). Airway, there are regular flights from the city of Lima.